PPSHC (Pilot Project of Soil Health Card Scheme)
This program is being accomplished under the Pilot Project of Soil Health Card Scheme of the Government of India (National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture) under the supervision of the Ministry of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Department, Government of Uttarakhand. PP-SHC Scheme is a beneficial scheme for farmers. There are many farmers in India and they do not know which types of crops they grow to get maximum yield. Mainly, they do not know the quality and type of soil. They might know by experience what crops grow well and what crops fail. But they don’t know what they can do to improve the soil condition. This scheme aims at promoting soil test based balanced use of fertilizers and soil amendment to enable farmers to get higher yields at low cost. The main objective of the Soil Health Card Scheme is to create awareness for farmers about the appropriate amount of nutrients for the crop depending on the quality and strength of the soil.
SURVEY & SAMPLING – A list of villages along with the number of Khasras to be soil sampled was provided to us by the Agriculture Dept. Before starting the survey in any village, a meeting/training was held with resource person/progressive farmers of the village to make them understand about the project and its benefits. Patanjali has designed a survey form with the approval of the Department to take the details of farmers as required by the soil health Portal. The survey was conducted and details filled in hard copy as well as in the DkD App. Post survey soil was collected as per the methodology which has been briefed them in the Induction Training. The soil sample were collected in the sample bag, bar code scanned, required details filled and submitted in App.

SAMPLE PREPARATION & TESTING – Collected samples were first air dried, grinded, sieved and then tested. Testing was done by Dharti ka Doctor Kit (DkD). Dharti ka Doctor is a mobile soil testing kit, innovated by Patanjali. Through this kit, we can test 5 parameters namely pH of the soil, organic carbon, available nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus in the soil. After testing the analysis report is updated in the app through the bar code. With the help of this application, organic, chemical, and mixed solutions of fertilizers are recommended to the farmers




- Dharti ka Doctor Application: This application is made for soil testing, with the help of this application, the map of all the Khasra in the village can be easily seen. And on the basis of that, soil samples are collected, in which all the information of the farmer (name, father’s name, mobile no., address, khasra no., crop name etc.) is filled with the help of bar code on the bag. After the soil testing, farmers report is updated in the app with the help of bar code.

Admin Dashboard

User Dashboard

Cadastral Map
NOTE: – Previously soil testing was done in the grid form but now sample has been taken from each khasra for testing.
The soil testing result will be shared with farmers in the form of Soil Health Card and farmer will be recommended with the organic, chemical, and mixed solutions of fertilizers according to the requirement of the crop. Consequently, it also provides a farm management tool with a potential benefit to the farmer of increased yields, reduced operating costs and superior environmental risk management and it also includes improved crop maturity and quality, higher tolerance to disease and pest damage, and increased growth. With the help of Soil Health Card, farmers can take clear decisions on crop selection and crop cultivation and know about various soil management practices.